Quotes on Wealth by The youth Icon Swami Vivekananda

The youth Icon of India

Here is my collection of some words of wisom by the Youth Icon Swami vivekananda on wealth. Have a look :
  1. Have all that you want, and more, only know the truth and realize it. Wealth does not belong to anybody. - God is Everything, Jnana Yoga, Volume 2
  2. Wealth goes, beauty vanishes, life flies, powers fly - but the Lord abideth for ever, love abideth for ever. - XLIV Sisters, Epistles - Second Series, Volume 6
  3. Swami Vivekananda quote: Wealth goes, beauty vanishes, life flies, powers fly - but the Lord abideth for ever, love abideth for ever.
  4. The test of progress is the amount of renunciation that one has attained. Where you find the attraction for lust and wealth considerably diminished, to whatever creed he may belong, know that his inner spirit is awakening. - XVII, Conversations and Dialogues, Volume 7
  5. A man must not say he is poor, or that he is wealthy - he must not brag of his wealth. Let him keep his own counsel; this is his religious duty. - Each Is Great In His Own Place, Karma Yoga, Volume 1
  6. This eternal sacrifice of the self unto the Beloved Lord is higher by far than all wealth and power, than even all soaring thoughts of renown and enjoyment. - Universal Love and How it Leads to Self Surrender, Para-Bhakti or Supreme Devotion, Volume 3
  7. Men are ever running after wives and wealth and fame in this world; sometimes they are hit very hard on the head, and they find out what this world really is. No one in this world can really love anything but God. - The First Steps, Addresses on Bhakti-Yoga, Volume 4
  8. Men are more valuable than all the wealth of the world. - XL Alasinga, Epistles - First Series, Volume 5
  9. If you desire wealth, and know at the same time that the whole world regards him who aims at wealth as a very wicked man, you, perhaps, will not dare to plunge into the struggle for wealth, yet your mind will be running day and night after money. This is hypocrisy and will serve no purpose. Plunge into the world, and then, after a time, when you have suffered and enjoyed all that is in it, will renunciation come; then will calmness come. - Each Is Great In His Own Place, Karma Yoga, Volume 1
  10. A householder who does not struggle to get wealth is immoral. If he is lazy and content to lead an idle life, he is immoral, because upon him depend hundreds. If he gets riches, hundreds of others will be thereby supported. - Each Is Great In His Own Place, Karma Yoga, Volume 1
  11. Going after wealth in such a case is not bad, because that wealth is for distribution. The householder is the center of life and society. It is a worship for him to acquire and spend wealth nobly, for the householder who struggles to become rich by good means and for good purposes is doing practically the same thing for the attainment of salvation as the anchorite does in his cell when he is praying; for in them we see only the different aspects of the same virtue of self-surrender and self-sacrifice prompted by the feeling of devotion to God and to all that is His. - Each Is Great In His Own Place, Karma Yoga, Volume 1
  12. When we are healthy and young, we think that all the wealth of the world will be ours, and when later we get kicked about by society like footballs and get older, we sit in a corner and croak and throw cold water on the enthusiasm of others. Few men know that with pleasure there is pain, and with pain, pleasure; and as pain is disgusting, so is pleasure, as it is the twin brother of pain. - Steps to Realization, Lectures, Volume 1
  13. Man cannot be satisfied by wealth. - Realization, Jnana Yoga, Volume 2
  14. Wealth may come and go, misfortunes may pile mountains high, but if you have kept the ideal entire, nothing can kill you. - The Way to the Realization of a Universal Religion, Practical Vedanta And Other Lectures, Volume 2
  15. Believe in yourselves, and if you want material wealth, work it out; it will come to you. - The Vedanta, Lectures from Colombo to Almora, Volume 3
  16. All this that you see, the pains and the miseries, are but the necessary conditions of this world; poverty and wealth and happiness are but momentary; they do not belong to our real nature at all. - Freedom, Karma Yoga, Volume 1
  17. Enjoyment, misery, luxury, wealth, power, and poverty, even life itself, are all evanescent. - The Real Nature of Man, Jnana Yoga, Volume 2
  18. This craving for health, wealth, long life, and the like - the so-called good - is nothing but an illusion. - Discipleship, Lectures and Discourses, Volume 8

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