Swami Vivekananda Quotes on Humanity

  1. It is good and very grand to conquer external nature, but grander still to conquer our internal nature. It is grand and good to know the laws that govern the stars and planets; it is infinitely grander and better to know the laws that govern the passions, the feelings, the will of mankind.” (Human Nature and feelings)
  2. Nothing else is necessary but these — love, sincerity, and patience. What is life but growth, i.e. expansion; i.e. love? It is life to do good, it is death not to do good to others.(On Relationships)
  3. Strength is the one thing needful. Strength is the medicine for the world's disease. Strength is the medicine which the poor must have when tyrannized over by the rich. Strength is the medicine which the ignorant must have when oppressed by the learned.” (On Strength)
  4. Persons are but the embodiments, the illustrations of the principles. If the principles are there, the persons will come by the thousands and millions. If the principle is safe, persons like Buddha will be born by the hundreds and thousands.”(On Principles)
  5. It is culture that withstands shocks, not a simple mass of knowledge. You can put a mass of knowledge into the world, but that will not do it much good. There must come culture into the blood.” (On Cullture)
  6. Let men have light, let them be pure & spiritually strong & educated, then alone will misery cease in the world, not before. We may convert every house in the country into a charity asylum; we may fill the land with hospitals, but the misery of man will still continue to exist until man's character changes.”(On Character)
  7. Every selfish action retards our reaching the goal, and every unselfish action takes us towards the goal; that is why the only definition that can be given of morality is this—That which is selfish is immoral, and that which is unselfish is moral.” (On Selfish acts)
  8. I want the intensity of the fanatic plus the extensity of the materialist. Deep as the ocean, broad as the infinite skies, that is the sort of heart we want.”
  9. A thing dimly perceived we call by one name; the same thing when fully perceived we call by another. The higher the moral nature, the higher the perception and the stronger the will.” (On Moral Nature)
  10. Do not want this world, because what you desire you get. Seek the Lord and the Lord only. The more power there is, the more bondage, the more fear. How much more afraid and miserable are we than the ant! Get out of it all and come to the Lord. Seek the science of the maker and not that of the made.” (On Power)
  11. Art can be compared to a lily which springs from the ground, takes its nourishment from the ground, is in touch with the ground, and yet is quite high above it. Art is — representing the beautiful. There must be Art in everything.” (On Art)
  12. Unselfishness is more paying, only people have not the patience to practice it.
  13. In eating, dressing or lying, in singing or playing, in enjoyment or disease, always manifest the highest moral courage”
  14. Build up your character, and manifest your real nature, the Effulgent, the Resplendent, the Ever-Pure, and call it up in everyone that you see. 

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